


My name is Nora and as you may have already guessed, I’m an aunt, a Local Aunt to the precocious Valerie. As cliche as it sounds, My niece joining us on this little rock we all call home really pushed my career forward. I got to really see the world through another set of eyes and it got me thinking "I want this world to be a little easier to navigate". 

I think we can all agree that we want to leave the world a better place for the ones we brought into it. I've found myself always migrating towards artistic fields where I felt I could express myself and make others feel seen. With both UX and film I feel I've been given the chance to tell stories that have never been told, and give the platform to people that have a story they need to share! 

For baby Valerie! Love ya babe. 

My name is Nora and I'm a creative. I have always made empathy my focus in my career. I love story telling, design, film making and so much more! I enjoy realizing other people's visions and helping them accomplish their goals. My main goal through all of my work is to make the world a more humane place, filled with love and compassion for all. Curious about the world around me. Always seeking new people and new perspectives. I'm constantly looking for new collaborations with creatives and people telling stories. Wouldn't it be epically beautiful if our stories always had happy endings?



Sweet baby Thor, My life companion! I myself have a service dog for a multitude of reasons, making accessibility for all an important life mission to me. He also is a three legged pooch as of two years ago, meaning accessibility is important to him as well! How else will he text me?

Thanks for scrolling down here! Looking for info you didn't find? Let's chat about it! 


New York, NY
Email fayadnora@gmail.com


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© Nora Fayad Rauhouse 2022
UXUI Designer



