All Trails 

All Trails conceptual app design

My Role: Project Manager | Duration: 2 Weeks | Project Status: Ended

Our team worked together to create a conceptual design for the already existing app; AllTrails. We were given two weeks to find an existing feature we wanted to improve and a feature we wanted to add. I was really excited to work on All Trails, going into this I already had some personal experience with the app. We went into this project intending to both make the user experience more enjoyable, and potentially bring our clients more revenue.
Our team was made of four, Myself, Meg Beauregaurd, Xochitl Parada, and Veronte Higgins. We gave ourselves roles, I was project manager, Meg was a generalist, Xochitl took the lead on design and UX and Veronte on Research. Given our constraints we ended up delgating all of the work in a way that really resulted in all of us becoming generalists.


We first needed to learn more about our company,
what was it achieving?
what was currently working for our users?
what were they frustrated with?

we looked through the app store and read some reviews to find some frustrations our users already had.
These two, among many more aligned with our future findings,
based off of these thoughts we were able to craft a survey for hikers


With a good understanding of Alltrails and what the platform was achieving we created surveys. FINSIH THIS PARAGRAPHE


So after surveys my team and I completed User interviews amongst 8 people to get a more in depth look to understand our users pain points, frustrations and needs.

We managed to find lots of valuable insights that gave us an idea of what our users issues were, but the ones I want to focus on today are our users buying habits and their fear of animals, They verbally expressed how they spent money on hiking gear to support them to completion of their hiking adventure, also they vocalized how they had fears regarding encountering wildlife and the potential threats and dangers that could transpire. And this helped us to discover the next steps in our process.

C&C analysis (feature inventory/ )



How might we…?
How Might We prevent Victor from getting lost?
How Might We prevent garbage on trails?
How Might We provide more time sensitive information on trails?
How Might We make sure Victor is well packed for his hikes?
how might we list wheelchair accessible trails so that they’re easier to find?
how might we address the no signal issues on the trail?
How might we inform hikers of amenities along the trail?
how might we encourage hikers to leave reviews/photos ?
how might we make trails sharable?
How might we assist with users fears of wild animals?


Next Steps. While it has been our current goal, the hike is far from over. As we move forward with AllTrails, we think the following important developments will help to increase users and revenue: According to our research, in the upcoming years, new phones will come equipped with satellite technology, allowing them to continue to work somewhat even when a user is off the grid and without a signal. In order to make use of the satellite technology and keep hikers connected to navigation in any situation, we intend to upgrade the app. Given that almost all users who were surveyed and interviewed reported losing signal when hiking, this feature would be a huge draw for consumers who wish to be able to navigate even without an internet connection.
Additionally, we believe that updating and improving the community page to incorporate users’ passion of hiking and exploration with the best features of well-known social networking apps would unite communities. Last but not least, we would want to include a tool to let hikers know when a trail should be avoided or if specific precautions need to be taken to safeguard the area’s ecosystem and wildlife!We appreciate your time with us and look forward to working with you to improve Alltails.

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New York, NY


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© Nora Fayad Rauhouse 2022
UXUI Designer



